Contact & FAQs

Reach Out!

We’d love to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re here to answer your questions and listen to your suggestions.


[email protected]


(231) 769 5335

Mon-Fri: 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Sat-Sun: 10:00am-7:00pm

Follow our socials for more content!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers.

What sort of wine do I bring for a fancy dinner?

It’s always a good idea to ask about the menu beforehand to see which wine will pair best with the food being served. It’s also a good idea to ask about the host’s wine preferences, and to learn about any sulfite allergies the attendees may have that might restrict them from drinking certain wines.

What does the newsletter cover?

Great question! When you sign up for our newsletter you will be receiving weekly/biweekly news and updates directly from FEO and our blog site, additionally there is special

How can I donate towards the winery project?

Thank you for considering donating toward our winery project! At this time, please contact [email protected] for more info on the project itself and additional ways you can help us reach our goal of opening our own winery! We have a donation box on our webpage for those who can help support our dream!